Sunday, September 21, 2008

Living My Dream

(Picture from training in April)

When I went back to ScreamFree Training on Friday Neil was going over your "Life's Intentions" list. What do you want to do if nothing stood in your way? What do you want to do if money were no object? What is something you want to do within your reach right now (lose weight, mend a relationship, have more "me" time, ect...)? What do you want to do that is pie-in-the-sky (start a business, fix congress-someone said that, travel, climb a mountain, etc...)? This is really a neat exercise because by the time it is over people already have a plan for their pie-in-the-sky dream and they realize it can happen more than they think. From my class in April, one person went back home and started a children's home!

Well, when they asked me to COME UP FRONT and speak to the group I thought I was going to pass out. I thought my first class was bad but this was talking in front of the group with HAL RUNKEL listening. I started out telling them that I am living what we were just talking about. Four years ago when I read the book I knew God was going to do something big, through me, with this program. I did not know what. I started with word of mouth to friends, then a class at my church, and I find myself standing in front of Hal telling about what we are doing on Wednesday night at my church. My dream is not just to be Screamfree at First Baptist but to help build a ScreamFree Community.

Last week I sent out 7 letters to area churches offering to come and do a weekend class at their church. Please pray for me that the pastors would read the letter (only 5% do read it) and that they would call me about booking a class. This is my dream and I know God is in this. This is the scripture Hal quoted on Friday about ScreamFree:

"Look at the nations and watch-and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1: 5

If someone told me four years ago I would be standing in front of Hal sharing about my class I would not have believed it.

What is your dream?? GO AND DO!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ScreamFree at Disney

So I'm currently on vacation at Disney World. (I'm not ignoring my family, fyi, they are napping.) I have to admit that I was a little skeptical about having a Scream Free Disney vacation. I mean, sure, being surrounded by 20,000 other people tends to quiet the screaming to behind clenched teeth, but can 2 kids, 4 days, and no naps really equal the happiest place on earth???

I've been applying the principles and yesterday went really well. (I don't want to talk about today because we stayed up way too late last night and had an early breakfast reservation this morning. Today has not been a good day, but I'm choosing to be an optimist!) The main thing I tried to remember is that this is their vacation too. How many times do we come with an agenda for what we want to do and what is best for our family? Without even asking them! I did schedule a couple of meals, but only 1 a day. Other than that, I've "planned" to not plan anything.

The kids, especially my 5 year old, have really responded to this. During nap time yesterday she really didn't want to sleep. So while Daddy and brother snoozed, she and I went to the pool. I knew this would have serious consequences going into the evening, but she and I discussed it and we agreed that she would have to stay awake during dinner and not complain that she was too tired to be a part of the group.

It was pretty tough for her and I knew she was exhausted, but she was a little trooper throughout the night. And let me tell you, that when it came time for today's "rest time", I only had to remind her of last night and she hopped right into bed! I am thinking this evening will be a lot of fun. Everybody is rested up, I've calmed my anxiety about needing a plan for dinner, and I can't wait to hear what everybody wants to do tonight. :)


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back to Training

A couple of weeks ago the training director of ScreamFree Living asked me to come back to facilitator training and speak about what I am doing with my class on Wednesday night. I was totally shocked and honored that they would ask me. So tomorrow I'm heading to Duluth to speak to a new group they are training and having lunch with Jenny Runkel and Brandi (from the April training group). I am so excited about this and can't wait to share. I'm also sad that my group only has 3 weeks left! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store next for me! I'm ready to lead another class or do a weekend class.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kerrie's Story

After watching the DVD where Hal explained the situation with his son's broken arm, Kerrie had a similar sitution when she got home from church that very night.

Her daughter was running up the steps and hit the doorframe. In her words, "blood was everywhere" and the impact knocked a tooth out. However, Kerie said she was able to keep her calm in the midst of a storm. She said he husband was usually the one of keeps his cool and this time she was able to do the same! After all, what kids need most is our calm. Thanks for letting me post your story, Kerrie.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hal On the Today Show

Check out Hal this Wednesday, August 27th at 8:00a.m. on the Today Show. Hal has been appearing quite often on the Today Show. Set your DVR or Teevo!

Last night David and I went to Sugarloaf United Methodist Church for dinner and to hear Hal. I got a little time to talk to him before he spoke and also got some answers to some of the questions that I had. It was a good dinner and great date night with my hubbie.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can It Get Any Better Than This?

Last night in our ScreamFree class I heard a story from a parent that I will NEVER forget. When I started this class I thought I was doing something great to help parents calm their world and have better relationships with their kids. I really didn't realize it would have eternal significance. Of course I know parenting has eternal significance but this is different. One of our parents last night shared that Sunday she decided to calm her day down and enjoy some quality with her kids. Dad was spending time with their son and she was spending time with her daughter and they were all having a great day. Toward the end of the day, she decided to get the bible and have a devotion with her daughter and her daughter was SAVED! She said it would not have happened if she had not calmed things down in her home.

The Lord revealed something to me last night. When we calm our world down, we can let HIM in! We are more sensitive to what God wants for us that day. Maybe a neighbor needs a visit. Maybe a friend needs a call. Maybe your kids need you to STOP and take some time for them. I guess I knew that already but that story touched my so deeply. It was another confirmation for me that ScreamFree Parenting is literally changing the world one relationship at a time...starting with yours!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hal Speaking Friday Night

Hey everyone! Hal is spreaking Friday night at Sugarloaf United Methodist for a parent's night out. The evening includes dinner, and a talk from Hal on the 5 Truths Every Parent Needs to Know. Let's try ro get everyone that we can from our class to attend. Fee childcare but you must register online. Have a great SCREAMFREE week!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hooray, A Calm!

I was so proud of myself today for the first time in a very long time! It was time for lunch and like I always do, I asked what my 2 1/2 almost 3 year old son wanted for lunch. Well, his choice was a bag of cheese puffs (his favorite snack). I just let him know, like I normally do, you have to eat something healthier for you for lunch and then if you finish that you can have some chips. Finally, long story short he finally said a ham and cheese sandwich. Great!

I made the sandwich and called him back in to the kitchen to eat, as he was walking in I noticed he was pouting. I ignored it and laid his sandwich on the table with his water and said "time to eat". He went back to the livingroom and laid on the floor and proceeded to pitch his fit. I went ahead and sat down and ate my lunch. Almost through my lunch, he came walking into the kitchen after many minutes of screaming and crying, wanting me to wipe his nose. I did and then I sat back down to finish my lunch. He had sat on the kitchen floor now to finish his crying session.

I let it go on for a few more minutes and then I just told him very simply "You have a choice to either not eat anything until supper or you can eat this sandwich that YOU asked for and get a bag of chips when you are done." Your choice, it really doesn't matter to mama. His next step was so easily taken, he got up and got straight in his chair and began eating ALL of his sandwich and in a good mood while doing it. Talking about flipping a switch!

Needless to say, I was not this CALM back in July while on vacation at my mom's and he did the same fit over supper one night. Let me remind you that this is only his 2nd HUGE fit like this and both were about food, although we have many little fits like everyone else. I am just praying that his terrible two's are not going to extend into three's!

I pray everyone else is have a GREAT and CALM week! (-:


Sunday, August 10, 2008

What do You Think?

Okay, so I'm at home this afternoon doing my ScreamFree workbook and I have a situation come up with my 5 year old. Her brother is napping and I am on my bed doing the homework for the week. She comes in, dressed in her pajamas, looking sleepy and saying "Mommy, will you rub my back?"

So I say yeah and ask her to climb into the bed with me. Then I say, "Ya know, it's probably a good idea for you to lay down and take a rest before the birthday party tonight". I follow that up with a confirmation to her that yes, I do want her to lay down for an hour, until it's time for us to go.

Well, needless to say, she talked and fiddled around with the dog. Not resting at all. So I reminded her twice to lay down and relax. The 2nd time I followed it up with a conseqence. I pointed out that I have asked her to do something and if she does not do it, she will not be getting in the water at the party tonight. (Circumstances are that she has to come with us, or I would have just left her at home.)

Sooooo...about 2 minutes later she gets up and leaves the room. At first I was upset because she continued to defy me and I called out to her to "get back in here". But seeing as I was doing my ScreamFree homework, I hesitated. And when she came back in I asked her what she was doing. "Going to watch TV", she replied. Then she asked for my help turning the channel, to which I said "No, I'm busy".

So then she says that she wants to make more lemonade. This is where I wasn't sure what to do. My first reaction was to say "No, I told you to come in here a lay down." But I don't think that's what Hal would do. (I need a bracelet that says, "WWHD?")

Instead I said, "The choice to make lemonade is yours. But do you remember what I asked you to do?" She pretended like she didn't know, so I reminded her again. (!) Then I said one more time that the choice was hers which she decided to do.

The only problem I had with that is that while I was saying it, I almost felt like I was tricking her for some reason. Does that make sense?

Oh, and I won't tell you what she decided. Only that I am sipping on a very yummy glass of lemonade at this very moment.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Recap of First Class

A couple of years ago my friend Jodi and I would take our girls to ballet and watch the ScreamFree Parenting DVD's in her SUV. I can remember being so exicted that someone else felt the same way as I did about parenting. We would share about how we love our children so very much but we were not enjoying them and wanted to change that. We would talk a lot and I could not wait to get the word out to more people about how this book had changed my life. Last night that dream came true for me when I was able to share the ScreamFree Revolution in a class setting.We had about 25 people (I could be way off) last night in our first class. We had single parents, educators, frustrated parents, parents of one child and parents with many children. I was so nervous that I can hardly remember the class but it seemed everything went well! (thanks for the compliment Jodi!) Most people feel the same way: we want to be able to keep our cool with our kids. Some people had heard of the book before but most people had not. It will be exciting to see how things go the next 9 weeks. Everyone enjoyed Hal's Waffle House story!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Class Tonight

About four years ago I heard Hal Runkel on an interview on our local radio station, 104.7 The Fish talking about his book ScreamFree Parenting. I bought the book and read it on vacation. I knew right away that the Lord was going to use me to get the word out about this book. It was exactly what I felt parenting should be but did not know how to put my feelings into words. This book does that. In April I went to the home office (which happens to be in Duluth) for two days of facilitator certification. For me, it was an amazing two days and I learned a lot about me and how to facilitate a class. So, here I am, four years later starting my first class tonight. I'm also excited to have my husband Dave help me lead this class (when he's not at the fire department!). I'm glad we are able to do something together that will impact families for a life change in their home! I hope I will be able to lead many more classes at churches all over my community! Hopefully, this blog will help all my class members to share some good ideas and get support from fellow class members or whoever else wants to join in!

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a NEW thing."
Isaiah 43: 18, 19