Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can It Get Any Better Than This?

Last night in our ScreamFree class I heard a story from a parent that I will NEVER forget. When I started this class I thought I was doing something great to help parents calm their world and have better relationships with their kids. I really didn't realize it would have eternal significance. Of course I know parenting has eternal significance but this is different. One of our parents last night shared that Sunday she decided to calm her day down and enjoy some quality with her kids. Dad was spending time with their son and she was spending time with her daughter and they were all having a great day. Toward the end of the day, she decided to get the bible and have a devotion with her daughter and her daughter was SAVED! She said it would not have happened if she had not calmed things down in her home.

The Lord revealed something to me last night. When we calm our world down, we can let HIM in! We are more sensitive to what God wants for us that day. Maybe a neighbor needs a visit. Maybe a friend needs a call. Maybe your kids need you to STOP and take some time for them. I guess I knew that already but that story touched my so deeply. It was another confirmation for me that ScreamFree Parenting is literally changing the world one relationship at a time...starting with yours!

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